Virtual Preschool Storytime
Introduction: This storytime is designed for preschool children ages 4 -5 and their families/caregivers. All children are invited to join us every other week on zoom. We will listen to songs, read a book and you will complete a craft at home. After you register you will receive a call to pick up your preschool storytime kit. Inside the kit, will be a copy of the book, Ms. Debbie will be reading, a preschool newsletter, a worksheet and a craft to do at home after the storytime.
Deborah Fagnan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 3552 1594
Passcode: 557346
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Meeting ID: 895 3552 1594
Passcode: 557346
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdH6oRhwEM
Virtual Slideshow for Zoom Program: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sj9gds3bAPJ8zv-duSiXDgAc4ijgrwyWy-rNiSVg0AE/edit?usp=sharing
Introduction: Hi Everyone! Welcome to preschool storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie, and I am happy to see you all here today. If you want your parent can type your name in the chat box so we can all get to know each other better. So let’s get started with our opening song. I have included the song in our storytime kit if you would like to join in. If not enjoy listening to our opening song.
Hello Song (laminate included in storytime kit)
Our letter today is "E". Can anyone tell me a word that starts with the letter E?
Egg, ear, eagle, and eat.
Okay let's stand up and get our wiggles out!
Okay 1, 2, 3 let's sit down.
Today you are going to hear the book, The Golden Egg by Margaret Wise Brown.
Credit: Hearts and Heroes Read Alouds. 2018, March 31. The Golden Egg Book by Margaret Wise Brown Read Aloud. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/UyFfXAWNSQw
Craft: Easter Basket

Easter Basket Craft Kit by Oriental Trading. Cost $4.57 for 12.
Included in the kit:
Parent Newsletter:
Family Storytime Kit:
