Help scientists understand the sky from above and below
Photograph clouds, record sky observations and share with NASA
Global, anywhere on the planet
Download the app and follow the instructions to get started.
Using a overhead project use the presentation below to help kids get an understanding what they will be doing and why.
What Do I Do?
Capture the date, time and location
Identify whether the sky is clear, cloudy, or obscured
Estimate what percent of the sky is covered
At each cloud level (High, Middle, Low) identify cloud/contrail types, percent of sky covered, and classify visual opacity
Classify visual opacity
Record surface conditions
Photograph the sky
Once you complete your observation, send it to the Globe system so others can see and analyze the data.

Print two sided on white copy paper and laminate. This is to be used when the kids are observing. It will help them answer the important questions they will be answering.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved from https://www.globe.gov/documents/16792331/19458623/GLOBECloudSkyWindow_Final.pdf/70738bd6-22dd-42b2-bc44-4edd26c4694e
2nd Handout: Cloud Chart.
This worksheet provides pictures of the various clouds. Print out double sided and laminate. Kids can refer to it while observing clouds.
Handout: Cloud Teller: Kids can take this home and make this game to practice learning the types of clouds.