This program is set up as a fun, interactive, virtual program that teaches STEM through play. That's right play! Each month, children will be given a challenge to build something using their legos or Duplo bricks. We will meet on Zoom to show off our creations. At the end of the program I will give out the next challenge. This program is open to children of all ages up to 6th grade. Registration is required for each week.
The first challenge: Build a 2D or 3D name-tag using your Legos or Duplo bricks to write out your name. At the Zoom meeting we will introduce ourselves using our creations. (February 5th)

Our second challenge: Build a Wall. You will need a block and a person. Your challenge is to find a way to get your person to the other side of the wall. Use your imagination. You person could go over the wall, through the wall...use your imagination.
Our third challenge: TBA (April 9)
Our fourth challenge: TBA (May 7)
Happy Building,
Ms Debbie
Zoom Meeting:
Deborah Fagnan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Virtual Lego Club
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet Once a month for 4 months. (2/5, 3/5, 4/9 and 5/7)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 795 373 2860
Passcode: 6dJch3