Children bring their stuff animals for an overnight visit at the library.
Zoom Storytime: The stuffed animals are positioned around the storytime rug while Ms. Debbie reads a story to them and their owners on Zoom.
Take a picture of each stuffed animal in the "act" of mischief. Give that to child the next day.
Book Ideas:
A Bedtime for Bear by Bonny Becker
When the Library Lights Go Out by Megan McDonald (on order)
The Stuffed Animals Get Ready for Bed by Alison Inches (na baker and taylor) requested it via bccls
Post on website the next day: Librarians at Ridgefield Park Public Library returned to the building ___________ morning to find pizza crusts and empty soda bottles strewn on the floor, and a bunch of toys and books left in precarious places. This comes after a group of stuffed animals invited for a sleepover apparently had a wild party. Pictures were found on Instagram which captured the unchaperoned event.
Flyer created on Canva: Incomplete flyer is found below: